Thursday, October 4, 2007

Flickr mashups and technology rant

Well, some of those mashup tools are not very intuitive. I tried to create a mosaic using Montagr (thinking of course that a mosaic would be made up of several images), but ended up with a single image to email. Not very satisfied with that, so looked around for something else to play with. Attempted to make a cube, but on entering the site (bighugelabs) it wanted me to sign up with another account (wouldn't accept my Flickr account). Didn't want to go through having to remember another account sign-on name and password, so gave that a miss. Finally, I tried to create a poster/postcard. This seemed fairly successful. (Hope you don't mind, Jo, that I borrowed your picture.) The result is up top.
Technology rant: This was hidden in the previous Week 3 post (remember the problem with pics?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to see you finally worked things out with flickr mashups! Yea, some of the things available are a bit frustrating to use, but hang in there :) Have you found your prince yet? :)